** The January Intergroup meeting is postponed to January 19, 2025**
The Los Angeles Intergroup (LAIG) meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 11:30am, PST.
Meeting ID: 820 6874 5820 Passcode: recovery
Treasurer’s Report for February, 2025
For further information, please contact the LA HOW Intergroup Chair.
What is Intergroup?
The Los Angeles CEA-HOW Intergroup supports a number of local meetings, and acts as their link between their Area office and the CEA-HOW World Service Office.
An Intergroup is one of many CEA-HOW service offices which partner with local CEA-HOW meetings to carry out those functions best handled by a centralized office. It is maintained, supervised, and supported by individuals from the local meeting groups it serves, and aids them in their common purpose of carrying the CEA-HOW message to the compulsive eater who still suffers. An Intergroup has no authority on its own; it is derived from the participating CEA-HOW meeting groups.
LA Intergroup is intergroup number 90139, and we are a part of CEA-HOW Area 1.